In English
The Swedish Construction Federation is an industry and employer organisation for construction, civil engineering and specialised companies that want to build Sweden on a foundation of fair principles.

Become a member
Let's make everyday life a little easier – save time and money
Membership criteria
As a member company, you must apply our membership criteria, our code of conduct, current collective agreements, and use the ID06 system
Code of conduct
Members must follow laws and regulations and work for healthy competition

Safe Construction Training
E-learning course to reduce occupational accidents

Our vision and priorities
A sustainable world class built environment
Here you can find answers to some of the frequently asked questions

Forms and folders
Here you will find the collective agreements, standard agreements and more
Pension and insurance
Learn more about collectively agreed occupational pension and insurance for your employees.
The Swedish Construction Federation
As a member of the Swedish Construction Federation, the company is part of the local construction association that holds an annual construction association meeting. The highest decision-making body is the Federation Meeting. The Meeting also elects the Swedish Construction Federation’s Board of Directors.
Operating activities are largely carried out in the wholly-owned service company Byggföretagen i Sverige Service AB (Corp. Reg. No. 556061-2524).
The Swedish Construction Federation is organised into a national office, six geographical regions, the Construction Industry Training Centre (Byggbranschens Utbildningscenter) and an industry region, which gathers together 20 construction associations for specialised companies.
The Swedish Construction Federation is a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.